Leaving communism far behind, Poland has stepped into the limelight and taken the centre stage of Europe: bustling with energy, developing, constructing and expanding.. Between our rich history and the new prosperity we have it all: old historic locations, medieval castles and refurbished manors which go hand in hand with modern conference centres, new concert halls and luxurious hotels that spring up every year. The choice of venues keeps growing: from mountains to sea, from the hustle-bustle of capital city life to calm rural countryside.
Poland`s climate with its distinctive four seasons makes it the ultimate destination all year round: be it a scorching summer in the Kraków Square, a snow-white stay Zakopane for the New Year or a Indian summer in the virgin forests of Zielona Góra.
Culinary invasion of international cuisine opened up Poland to a whole new dining experience. You don’t have to anticipate only pierogi or bigos on your plate: we serve all flavours of the world.